Saturday, October 16, 2010

Peace, Love, & Music

It has been awhile since I posted. I have been home a little over 2 months and things have been crazy. I have started school and am working 2 jobs on top of that, trying to have a social life. Its been hard...lack of sleep is catching up with me...but that is ok. I have been trying to sleep lol.

I have been thinking a lot lately of many different things. My past seems to be one that has flooded my dreams and memories these last few months...I guess its a sign it is time to accept the things I can not change rather than continue to relive them in my nightmares and fears.

As a girl, I used to think like the tv shows and movies put out that, Love is throwing pebbles at my window and chasing me down if I ran...Come to realize I was horrible mistaken. Romance and love seem to be different for everyone (yes I am 24 and JUST realizing that, talk about epiphany). Yeah, the pebble is fun, but the little things make it worth while. Love is so much more different then I could have ever imagined. Putting up with your other half when you are arguing about who should drive. Just sitting with them while it is silent. Cooking for them late at night, just cause you want to. I am sure that as I grow up more I will learn even more about love.

I have been trying to pick up my guitar and play it. There are so many artists I envy for their voice. Zooey Deschenal is one of them, her voice is amazing. One day I shall be amazing!!!!

'til next time

Monday, August 30, 2010

School and Reality

I have been home for about 3 weeks now. I miss Colina daily. I started school last week and both jobs are now in full swing. I am pulled in so many new directions, it is weird. I decided to buy my books late...worst idea EVER...I am now behind in my classes cause I am waiting for the places to ship my stuff. I have been downloading photos for a while of the classes that they taught down at Colina. Oh how I miss those kids. They were so awesome. I am missing them a lot.

Sitting in the Library at school thinking of how I am going to finish my homework that is due by tomorrow...hmmm this could be a problem...what a way to start the semester.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Faith, Hope, and Coughs

I am starting my last weekend here at Colina and realizing how much I am going to miss this place. I have learned so much over these last 3 months that it is hard to think that I really am leaving. I mean I know I am. I have the plane ticket and the school registration to prove it but it is so important to me here. But I shall return to see these beautiful faces that I have gotten to know.

These last couple have weeks have been a bit difficult. Coughing up a storm and not sleeping. They dont mix so well. Lack of sleep has been kicking my booty but all is well. I am going to get better I am sure. The kids are realizing that my time here is almost up and have begun pouting and saying when I am coming back. Some are asking about my family and when they are coming. This trip has been eyeopening and fantastic. I have loved my time here and cant wait to return. I have about 3 more days here. Wow what a thought.

I am going to read Jim's book again - Journey of Faith. It has been so long since I read it, I wanna check it out again.

Ok well until next time,
Dios de Bendiga

Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer Goodbyes and Fall Excitement

Left - Britt and Kelsey

I just said goodbye this weekend to Kelsey, a wonderful young lady who came to serve here at Colina for a month, and Adrian, Noelle, and their three beautiful kids. These people have shown such love to the kids here and to me as well it was very hard to say goodbye to them knowing that our paths are going different directions. I am so grateful that I was able to meet them. Talking to them and hearing the things that God has done for them over the years was so enjoyable. Having tea and cookies with Kelsey to end our night and just talking like old friends was so awesome. And sitting with Noelle as she teaches me Spanish and Knitting. Got a hang of the knitting, the Spanish is coming slowly, but I am doing better :D And listening to Adrian talk about his childhood here at Colina was so awesome. And the way that the kids here at Colina loved being around these people and watching them interact was such a blessing. Left- Britt and her awesome little ones Below Britt and Erica
I also said Goodbye this last week to my summer classes that I have been teaching since the beginning of July. Kudos to
all the teachers out there, this was so much harder than I thought. I was teaching 3 computer classes and 2 crocheting classes. The crocheting class was fun cause I was able to create my own things and teach them to the class. In fact, one of the girls in my older class created one of my bags. I felt special. My computer class was just a little bit harder than that. I know computers but trying to teach 25 kids ranging from 4 to 15 was really hard. I had fun though, watching them draw in paint and create powerpoint presentations about different historical figures.

As my time here gets close to an end, I see that I have so much ahead of me and also had the realization that my life here and my life back home dont have to be separate. They c
an and will be joined. Colina is a part of me and God wants it to continue to be a part of my life as I grow older and circumstances in my life change. I am so thankful that I know this now. It makes me feel so blessed that this new family of mine will always be a part of me. I am a lucky girl. Bottom left - Britt and Luz, Bottom Right - Britt and Vero

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Smiles and Sunshine.

Life here at Colina has been interesting to say the least. We have been having Tribe meetings that have us all separated into the 12 tribes of Israel for Family Day. I am in the Tribe of Benjamin. Pretty awesome. We have played games and created flags. The kids in my Group continually make me happy. The hugs, the looks, the photos and the "BRICKNY" yells that flow through the air as they try to gain my attention. I love this place.

I love walking through the orphanage as the kids are on bikes or rollerblades and they fly by with their hand out so that I will High Five them as they pass. I love the little girls that talk to me at length about their dolls and everything cause thats what little girls do. The boys who chase me down the beach chucking sand at me cause thats what little boys do. The fact that I go in to the ocean and save Mel from the waves, cause thats what I do. The hugs and the little hands that grab mine in a moment of comfort.

Everyday I think of this place, its hard to imagine not being here. It has become such a part of my life its hard to imagine being home going to school and working again.

I love the classes I teach. They get to be difficult once in a while but I manage. The kids in my crocheting class make me smile. I feel accomplished a little haha.

More to come

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sunburns and Diet Cokes

So sunburns are definitely not my favorite thing on the planet. They hurt and I don't get tan after...I just turn ghost white again. The weather here is hotter than I remember. I'm homesick but then I look at the kids and the smiles they give, the fast talking Spanish that flows my way when they are all excited about telling me something, or the kisses on the nose from my little Angel (that is really his name) and I remember again why I am here. I love the kids here. I love what I do here, even if it is mainly office work. I love the nights I spend with the ninas watching movies in Spanish and pretending to comprehend it all. They make me smile a lot.

I feel torn sometimes from the life I have back home and the life I have here. I love them both. I pray that I can keep them intertwined for a long time. Well time to get back to my office work and more sunburns for this little Chica.

Hasta Luego!

Friday, July 9, 2010

It is well...

So...many things have taken place in my life in the last few weeks. Another earthquake but this one felt like a spinning ride that I couldnt get off of haha. No damage. I have been hanging out with the kids and started teaching classes in Computers (who would have thought) and crocheting! I am loving it and my spanish is coming along. My family and church came down to serve a mission trip for a week. It has been a blessing to see my Papa and Mom and Sis. I missed them a lot more than I realized.

Things have been happening around the orphanage that have caught my attention. Things I am not used to, but have opened my eyes to the frailty of my life and the lives of the ones around me. It causes me to continue to live my Life to the fullest and live it to Glorify God. Big shoes to fill but I have help. :D

I have recently been listening to the worship album that Kutless just put out and it has been making me smile. The old hymn "It is well" always leaves me with a catch in my throat and a tear in my eye...It reminds me that thru it all, it is well. My soul is taken care of by someone who knows it all. I have listened to it a lot during my time here at Colina. I remember constantly that I am loved and wanted no matter what is going on in the world around me.

Till next time!